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an ounce of prevention is worth alot of water

Gallons, in fact! I wonder how much cure that is?

There was some threat of cold last night, so my mother phoned and suggested that we keep the heat turned up and the taps running slightly, to make sure the pipes didn't freeze. So we did so. I was curious, as I drifted off to sleep, about how much water we were thus losing. I was less concerned about the gas, even though I usually am when I hear the furnace come onóhome ownership is a terrible burden!óbecause the weather lived up to its advance billing and I sure didn't mind the warmth. Plus, the pipes didn't freeze, so it was like a double bonus! The only thing plumbing related that did freeze, in fact, was the steam coming out of the exhaust vent all night: it made a structure of lumpy icicles that looked alot like candle wax.

The forecast high for today was 13°F, but I don't think it ever got that high. It was awful cold when we took the dogs for their morning walk, but I forgot to look at the temperature; in the afternoon it felt much warmer, because the temp was all the way up to 9°. They talk about this wind-chill thing too, but it wasn't really that bad (though Leah may beg to differ!). I am glad, however, that there were no photographers present. My scarf, hat and sweatshirt hood combo is not, I fear, the hight of fashion.

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