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does it snow in Ireland?

Saint Patrick's day is a school holiday in Boston (they snuck it in under the mantle of Evacuation Day), or at least it is when it falls on a weekday. Too bad for the children of our fair city, then, that the 17th of March was a Saturday this year. Even worse, they missed not one but two days off of school (if multiple days off could be observed simultaneously) because there was also an awful lot of snow today. Most of it came down last night, as I mentioned in my bitter post about my alleged Spring Break (MTV, why must you raise these false expectations?!) but this morning we saw a fair amount of freezing rain and whatnot. The dog loved the early-morning snow, so much so that he ran away—before his breakfast, even!—and had himself a little 20-minute romp. Later, though, the crust formed by the freezing rain gave him some considerable difficulty. We alternated between concern for his well-being and hilarity at his attempts to maintain any semblance of reasonable gait. Since there was no blood (unlike last time he had to deal with a crusty snow) the hilarity won out.

Also, it is impossible to conclude this St. Patrick's day post without noting that Leah won a bottle of tasty Irish Whiskey in a drawing at the gym. We're going to have to start drinking again!

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