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So they tell us that gas prices in California are the highest in the country, and that LA's are the highest in California. $2.14 they're supposed to be, here. Well, that average must be lowered by gas stations in Pomona or Claremont or something, cause it's $2.19 here. I heard someone on the radio predicting the oil will run out in the nest ten twenty thirty years (he was vague), at which point a global recession will occur that will 'make the Great Depression look like a warm-up,' and also there will be wars and things as nations fight each other for energy. So... start putting that expensive gas in bottles under your bed, I guess. We're just glad we don't live in Malibu any more, cause it costs like twenty-seven dollars to fill up Leah's car. Pretty soon I'll have a bike and we'll be free from dependency on the evil oil oligarchs forever.

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