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spring break for a day

Today it was hot as anything, at least during the middle of the day, so naturally we went to the beach. We weren't the only ones to have ideas along those lines: the place was packed with both adults skipping work and kids skipping school. At least, that's what I imagine they were doing... they can't all have been unemployed and/or homeschooled. We did ask one child, who happened to engage us in conversation, whether he was cutting, but while he seemed to indicate affirmation he was somewhat reticent on the subject. So we're not sure.

But we had a good time, and neither of us was skipping anything. It was almost painfully hot at noon, at least to our poor frames unacustomed to such things; but the water was quite cold, so as long as we stood knee-deep in it things were just perfect. And we got some good sun so we can make the folks in New England jealous when we come home for a visit.

Then after that I got a new cell phone, so folks can call me again. It sure is exciting!

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