further reflexions on entering text on the iPhone
My first reflexion is, I'd never manage to compose a title like that on that little tiny screen.
Looking over my previous post in the harsh light of the next day (though still on my iPhone screen, which is now my exclusive source for web browsing thanks to the sheer novelty of seeing the internets on that little tiny screen, and also being able to flick through them with my finger) I noticed that my word choice was far more repetitive than is usual for me. I attribute that to two factors. First, the small screen prevented me from seeing more than one quarter of the width of two lines of text in this fairly capacious text box the SBS gives me for the composing of blog posts; and second, when you're typing one letter at a time things are significantly slower than when you can bring your full complement of fingers to the table, as it were. So when I was typing on the little pretend iPhone keyboard I didn't notice that I wrote "service" in two consecutive sentences and "phone" in about all of them.
On the other hand, this old-fashioned keyboard with a very solid and distinct present here in the physical realm does not automatically correct my mistypings, as the iPhone pretend keyboard does. For example, if I had typed "teh" for "the" in the preceding sentence on the iPhone as I did in actual reality on this computer here, it would have magically and silently corrected my error. It's kind of spooky, and it would be even more spooky if it worked better and more consistently, and also magically corrected my numerous misspellings. At least this computer underlines them with red dotted lines.