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the adventure of the brand-new bed

Today we went to IKEA and got a brand-new bed, and let me tell you, it was a major endeavor. The biggest thrill was trying to tie the mattress to the car, only to notice as soon as we got on the freeway that it was doing a very good impression of a wing and was quite willing to take off on its own if it couldn't get the car to come with. A highway patrolman noticed too, and pulled us over and very kindly told us to get the **** off the freeway, and gave us directions home on the surface streets. Which we didn't need to be told to get off, cause we knew that already, but the directions were welcome. As was that he didn't give us a ticket. And then I had to build the bed all by myself (alternate title for this post: 'like legos for grownups'), because Leah was at a meeting for work. But now it's all home and all built, and all our new sheets and comforters and pillow-cases are on it, so it's about time to try it out for the first time with a good night's sleep.

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