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a boring update

Both Leah and I have been sickish for what seems like weeks now, with a little fever and a little cold and mostly just a general run-down feeling and lack of energy. I blame the damp cold and gray skies; what we need right now is a little psychological spring, a few days of warm temps and nice bright sunshine. I promise that just an hour of sitting outside in the sun will cure me right up!

In the interim, though, I was really properly sick on Wednesday, and barely managed to get out of bed all day. Which I didn't mind much, of course, except for how completely boring it was. Most of the time I wasn't too pained to read, though, and happily I had just been to the library so I was well-stocked with diversionary material. The enforced inactivity let me move that much closer to my goal of reading 10 books in March; 10 books in a month doesn't sound like a lot when I think about it like that, but in practice I don't think I've managed that many since my idle university days. And now I'll do it again, with only minimal idleness. Yay for avoiding the tv!

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