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fine weather for Elijah

For a little while now the weather's been trying to do summer. We've hit 90 degrees, and with no significant rain in two weeks the ground's dried out completely—you'd have to work hard to find mud anywhere. Of course, it's still spring, so we've had some more seasonable cool temperatures here and there; It's funny how after two days in the 80s mid-60s feels pretty chilly!

Of course, the important thing is that the mild weather means we can spend as much time outside as we want. That's good, since Lijah is a big fan of the out-of-doors.

Lijah in sweatpants and sweater holding a stick atop a pile of pallets

littlest woodsman

That was Saturday, which started off coolish—Zion actually had his winter coat on first thing, which is pretty rich since there wasn't even a frost! (compare a rather colder day in March...). There are also hotter moments.

naked Lijah on the grass playing with a tub of water

fully experiencing the outside world

The only hang-up is he's not quite old enough to be out unsupervised. Maybe by the end of the summer!

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