The creative material bubbles forth from me, but the flow is diverted into marketing emails

Some noteworthy things happened over the weekend, things that normally would have been wellsprings of hilarious material. Unfortunately I've been so swamped with work overtime this week that I haven't had a moment to write. So you'll have to image in your own mind the wisecracks. Here's what's been going on lately:

1) Harvey got his first tooth
2) I tried and failed again to get interested in sex
3) I purchased a pair of "mom" jeans

Imagine for yourself, if you will, the possible jokes. I apologize for the poor substitute for self mockery. I'll get back into the swing of things when either my work schedule calms down or I get laid off.

broadening of culinary horizons

Cleaning the kitchen this morning, I noticed tell-tale signs of sandwich-making that went on yesterday. "Did you make a sandwich with gouda and relish?" I asked Leah pointedly. She had to admit that, yes, she did: meaning of course that I got to gloat about the fact that she would never have been exposed to either of those foods if I hadn't strongly encouraged (read: forced) her to try them. Since everyone knows that you win marriage by changing the other person more than they change you, that's two points for me!

(Admittedly, the gouda consumption may have been primarily due to the lack of other cheese alternatives. Having tried it at my prompting, Leah now believes the favorite cheese of the Dutch is edible; when it's available, though, I bet she'll still go for good honest American.)
