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broadening of culinary horizons

Cleaning the kitchen this morning, I noticed tell-tale signs of sandwich-making that went on yesterday. "Did you make a sandwich with gouda and relish?" I asked Leah pointedly. She had to admit that, yes, she did: meaning of course that I got to gloat about the fact that she would never have been exposed to either of those foods if I hadn't strongly encouraged (read: forced) her to try them. Since everyone knows that you win marriage by changing the other person more than they change you, that's two points for me!

(Admittedly, the gouda consumption may have been primarily due to the lack of other cheese alternatives. Having tried it at my prompting, Leah now believes the favorite cheese of the Dutch is edible; when it's available, though, I bet she'll still go for good honest American.)











You guys can't count!

Seriously, I have no idea what the purpose is of these spammy comments that are trickling in to each new post (and only the newest posts). I've been deleting them, but for the historical record I'm leaving these ones, after deleting their websites (for form's sake only: they all just put "link" in the field). Still, it's nice to have ten comments!


hehehe, sorry...couldn't resist ;)

And I won't even de-link your comment, like I'm doing to the rest of them! I am, however, pondering the meaning of your number, which seems a little more interesting than the ones chosen by Afggdelz et al... What is its significance? Thomasville, Alabama perhaps?

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