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As I may have mentioned, it's been pretty stormy around here lately—tempestuous, even. Yesterday's storm was one of the bigger ones and knocked out the electricity to our block, and it was also later in the evening then they tend to be so we noticed. It was fun to walk around after the torrential rain had slowed, and watch the glow of candles and flashlights moving around in the neighborhood's houses. Less fun was lying in the hot hot bed knowing there was wonderful cool air outside but not having any electro-mechanical means of pulling it into the room!

What with all the thunderstorms—literally at least one almost every day for the past week and a half, and more forecast every day as far as the fine folks at Weather Underground are willing to predict—we've become a little blasé. Thunder that once would have sent us scurrying for cover we now ignore completely; otherwise we wouldn't be able to get anything done! Today I walked the dog and weeded the garden while two separate storms grumbled away on the horizon. When you've just heard what the thunder sounds like when the lightning hits within a mile, the 20-mile distant storms don't seem so bad.

I only feel bad for the folks who want to go swimming in public pools. If they're only allowed to go in half an hour after thunder is last heard, that doesn't leave much of the day!

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