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party pooped

Phew! Good thing tomorrow is a day of rest, because this vacation has been hard work so far! It's especially stressful on our cute little introvert son, who takes it out on us when he gets home. Not that any of us are complaining: each and every social engagement has been ever so much fun. Today Harvey even loosened up a little bit and played with the other kids—when he could spare a moment from trying to grab extra cookies, that is.

The takeaway message from Thanksgiving this year is that 2:00 pm parties are absolutely ideal. We get dinner and a good four or five hours of socializing, and we're still home in plenty of time for baby and mama to get to bed at an appropriate hour. As an added bonus, if we time it right we can squeeze in two full meals before we go and a late-evening snack afterwards! Hey, those leftovers aren't going to eat themselves! (and thank goodness: that's kind of a disturbing image, isn't it).

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