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farm forecast

The forecast calls for temperatures in the mid-30s overnight. Upon learning this I rushed out and picked all the mostly-ripe tomatoes and peppers in the garden, and then covered things up as much as possible with heavyweight row cover fabric (dreaming of high tunnels). Hopefully it'll be enough; tonight is forecast to be the coldest night in the foreseeable future, so if the summer crops survive it we should be good for a little while yet.

Not that we wouldn't, in some way, be glad to be done eating tomatoes. We've certainly had our fair share over the past month or two—the sores in my mouth testify to the effects of our current high-acid diet. But not really. Besides how delicious and nutritious our tomatoes and other veggies are, there's something wonderful about all the free food available right outside our kitchen door. I'm not ready for that to end!

Of course, even after the tomatoes are reduced to mush by freezing temperatures the carrots and collards will still be going strong. Hmm, I should have planted more cold-weather crops.


Acidophilus. It is on my carousel I think. Take it all. Just go in the back door and go to kitchen. It is just to the right of back window on carousel. Ask Sally if she is there. I promise, if you take it faithfully, you can eat LOTS of tomatoes.


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