his fourth party
Never mind Fathers Day; around here this weekend is more popularly known for the celebration of Harvey's birthday. And what a party we had this afternoon!
This morning one of my Sunday school students, hearing about our plans for the celebration, spent some time telling me about her younger sister's memorable parties—dogs, gymnastics, horses...—and she wanted to know what the theme was going to be for Harvey's 4th. No theme, I told her; unless you count hanging out, eating, and drinking.
I feel tremendously lucky that we have so many good friends who are willing to come to our chaotic, theme-free parties (though this one did come with some pretty good hamburgers and cake—chocolate with chocolate frosting in the latter case, as per request). Harvey may not realize it now, but he's lucky too, and not just because he scored a totally awesome play tent and real sleeping bag. Thanks everyone for coming!
I only wish I hadn't been too busy grilling and having fun to take more pictures, but never mind—you know what we all look like anyways.
The themes must be a girl thing. My girls have been obsessing about the themes of their parties all year. But after the year Ella decided to change her theme two days before the party, I lowered the bar so I just have to print out a couple pictures from the Internet for the theme...oh and draw Kermit the Frog eyes on a few dozen mentos for cupcakes. ;) Happy Birthday, Harvey!