spring can really hang you up the most
You know, it's actually kind of hard to tell what the weather's doing these days. It was rainy and cold this morning, then by lunchtime we were eating outside on the porch in the bright sunshine. By that point it was warm enough for Harvey to be in shorts and short sleeves, but the rest of us were still wearing our long underwear. At one point Lijah was barefoot but wearing mittens; then he took them off and left them out in the garden, where they must now be blowing around in the wild wind that came up late afternoon. Hooray for spring!
nice allusion:
"Once I was a sentimental thing,
Threw my heart away each spring,
Now a spring romance hasn't got a chance
Promised my first dance to winter,
All I've got to show's a splinter for my little fling!
Spring this year has got me feeling like a horse that never left the post,
I lie in my room staring up at the ceiling,
Spring can really hang you up the most!"
—Fran Landesman