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moments from the week

Harvey lying in the snow, eating some

a little real snow

Scenes and moments from the past week. We do more things than we have time to write about; photos help us remember it all!

Zion in snowsuit shoveling the front walk

4-year-old helper

Harvey sliding down a plastic slide on the steps, Zion watching

in lieu of sledding

me and the boys watching the I Have A Dream speech on the iPad

MLK Day observances

shirtless Lijah playing quietly with plastic animals on the trampoline in the livingroom

a quiet moment

Lijah asleep, clutching his chopstick

comfort item

Harvey, Zion, and friends climbing on rocks above an icy pond

homeschool coop explorers: rocks and ice edition

Lijah smiling on the seesaw

say "playground"!

Lijah listening to Snowy Day on the audiobook iPad at the library, with a blizzard through the window behind him

Snowy Day at the library

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